Dr. Hargrove is a Hero

Family Doctor: Dr. Andrea Hargrove

Dr. Hargrove has been my doctor for several years and has always treated me with so much respect. A few years ago, I could no longer manage my mental health using my normal coping mechanisms and psychologist. Dr. Hargrove listened to myself and my husband and was able to assist me in finding medications that significantly improved my quality of life. I am grateful every day that she was able to help me because I was terrified of my mental health symptoms and managing them with medication has allowed me to build a life I am in love with.

Today, I am 34 weeks pregnant, and Dr. Hargrove has provided me with exceptional care throughout my pregnancy journey. She has been proactive in running tests to ensure both me and baby are healthy. I had to go to the Emergency Room a few weeks ago due to breathing difficulties and was fortunate that Dr. Hargrove was there. She ran tests to ensure I was getting the treatment I needed. It turns out that my breathing issues were due to allergies which have gotten worse during pregnancy, but she never once made me feel like I wasted her time.

Doctor Hargrove wears many hats in our community and her work is so appreciated. Dr. Hargrove works so hard to make sure the people in her community have access to the clinical services they need. Our community is so lucky to have her because she genuinely cares about health care and advocates for her patients.

Tiana, Taber