Celebrate World Family Doctor Day with the ACFP – May 19
The Alberta College of Family Physicians (ACFP) is proud to support the global recognition of Family Doctors on May 19th. First declared by WONCA (World Organization of Family Doctors) in 2010, World Family Doctor Day (WFDD) has become a day to acknowledge the central role and contribution of family doctors in the delivery of personal, comprehensive, and continuing health care for all patients.
Family Docs Rock!
This annual celebration serves as the culminating event for the ACFP’s signature public awareness campaign – Family Docs Rock! which honours and recognizes the unique and trusted family doctor-patient relationship. For over 10 years, the Family Docs Rock! campaign has garnered more than 200 patient stories of gratitude!
Join in the Fun
Add to our collection by partaking in this year’s WFDD festivities! Whether it be sharing your gratitude for your family doctor, sending a “Happy World Family Doctor Day!” video greeting, or spreading the word with our poster and certificate all actions help amplify the value of family physicians.
More Ways to Show Your Appreciation
Share Your Support on Social
Using the hashtags #FamilyDocsRock #WorldFamilyDoctorDay #WFDD2024, thank your family doctor and tell us why they rock! Here are a few suggestions and prompts to help get you started.
#FamilyDocsRock! Happy #WFDD2024 Dr. __________, thank you for _____________.
#FamilyDocsRock because they are your strongest advocates for your well-being and there for you when you need them.
#FamilyDocsRock because they are with you through all stages of life every step of the way, standing by your side. #WFDD2024